April 8, 2011

Down the stairs I go...

So I'm sitting on my stairs watching my mom yell my name, to get me to come downstairs so we can go to Claire's, right? The next thing I know my older sister has grabbed my leg and was pulling, yes my friends PULLING, me down the stairs. My reaction? Grabbing onto the nearest thing closest, a railing. BIG mistake. When I grabbed it, my sister pulled even harder. It hurt like crazy! I was screaming in pain. She pretty much stretched my arm muscles to pieces. I was miserable the whole time in Claire's. Hopefully this won't happen again.


Miki said...

BAHAHA, sorry, I had to laugh! Hope your arms feel better <3

Erin said...

Thanks! It's okay if people laugh.

Bella Skye said...

I'm so sorry! Hope your arm gets better! I just wanted to let you know that I gave you the stylish blog award at http://bellaskyephotography.blogspot.com/2011/04/stylish-blogger-award-and-linking-up.html! :)

Erin said...

Oh thank you so very much!