About Me

I am a teenage girl who has obsessions over Harry Potter, Band, Blogging, Writing, and God.

Harry Potter:
   Harry Potter was introduced to me by Kayla. She kept pestering me to read the books and so I finally gave in. But soon I became a HP fanatic. Ask me any question and I will answer it in a five minute (or more) answer. I'm a great arguer, my arguments are usually really confusing at the end. I love HP!

    I L.O.V.E Band! It's one of my most favorite things in the entire WORLD! If you are reading this then you are reading about the ONLY clarinet from my school to make it in the best HIGH SCHOOL Marching Band EVER! I CAN'T wait! In 8th grade I was second chair and now I'm going to ROCK MB! I love the different types of music we played in 8th grade and I'm going to miss all of my friends who really helped me get in...especially the first chair of my section. Thanks so much!

    I LOVE to blog! I have about six different blogs, most of them being warrior blogs, and I have two main ones: Lily Petals Photography and Breezeclan. I started blogging back in 2010 but I've had Breezeclan the longest. It's really fun to learn from other blogs about the ways that they write. I love the photography blogs because they really teach me about the beauty of picture taking. But I have a hard time with my photography blog because my camera refuses to upload my gorgeous pictures! I'm just a novice photographer but one of my AMAZING friends, Janet, is an STUNNING photographer!

   I am a writer, that's who I am. I love to write. I've currently written three books: Shattered Wings, Until the World Ends, and Locked In. I'm still trying to get through the publishing stages. But right now the book is called Rebels.

  I am a Christian and I am currently helping out God in every way that I can. I help my dad out in the 2 year old room at my church and it's so much fun! I do tech and I love to play around with the little ones! I love God and I hope that I can serve him in all ways.


I love the color Purple!

I'm a freshman (It feels so strange that I graduated from 8th grade...)

I have a Red Nikon Coolpix.

I HATE copiers.

I am an honor roll student, I'm so proud!

I ADORE listening to music. It's what I do when I'm stressed or when I'm writing.

If I wasn't going to be in Marching Band I would tryout for the high school JV soccer team.

I LOVE reading. Over the summer, so far, I have read about twenty different books and I'm still going. I have about 5 bookshelves in my house and I plan to read all of the books that are stacked on them!

My favorite movie series are: Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, Narnia, and Star Wars.

If you want to contact me about comments, suggestions, or any questions then please FEEL COMPLETELY FREE to email me at:
