April 13, 2011


So...You are probably wondering why the post is called "Squeaky" right? Well here's the answer. I used to babysit him. His name is Shawn. I love him to death. He squeaks when he laughs, thus his name is Squeaky! I tickle him all the time! He's so scared of me that it's hilarious. He's adorable. He's 8 years old...or maybe he's 7. I haven't seen him for a couple of months. But here is a picture of him:

Squeaky! Catch some big air for me!

Squeaky is adorable. Like I said before! I will try and get more pictures of him! 


Miki said...

Aww how cute, BAHAHA Squeaky ^.^

Erin said...

Oh he's so cute. I love him to death.